The Plough PH, 11 Cheyney Street
Today this is a private house, 11 Cheyney Street, known as Homedale and the full history of the property is here 11 Cheyney Street page
Built in 1835 it was initially a grocer’s shop, then occupied by a tailor. In the 1850s James Potton moved in and opened a beerhouse, which became known as The Plough. He was succeeded by George Lindsay, who was publican only briefly and when he left in 1882 the property became a private house. There was a better known Plough PH on the corner of Ashwell Road and Station Road, however, that one was not called the Plough in the 1800s, which explains how the name came to be used for two beerhouses at different times.. It would be unusual to have two pubs with the same name in a village.
Description of The Plough in 1876 Sale Particulars

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Newspapers and Census Returns
Last Updated on October 27, 2024