11 Cheyney Street, Homedale

Here is the history of 11 Cheyney Street and as it was a beerhouse for some years, it is also mentioned here The Plough, Cheyney Street


This house is on part of an historic dwelling site, originally an enclosure of about half an acre, believed to have been taken from the common land of Steeple Morden Manor. On the Enclosure Map 1817 the full plot is outlined in green and was in the single ownership of Thomas Strickland. Depicted are what appear to be four cottages with a house to their right, fronting Cheyney Street.

Enclosure Map 1817

The plot outlined in green was in single ownership in 1817 and subsequently evolved into Nos 5, 7 & 11 Cheyney Street. There are several cottages or tenements at the front with a house on the right.

On the Tithe Map 1839, the whole original plot is again outlined in green. However, a small area of land had been sold off in 1835 for the Chapel and this is outlined in yellow and is number 83 [number illegible on map]. Plot 86 between the yellow and blue lines is four cottages by the roadside. Parcel 87 outlined in blue has a house on it and today this is 11 Cheyney Street, Homedale.  Plots 86 and 87 were still in the ownership of Thomas Strickland and details from the Tithe Apportionment are:

Parcel Owner Occupier Description Extent
83 Trustees of Meeting Trustees of Meeting Meeting and yard 0a 0r 11p
86 Thomas Strickland Samuel Christmas and others Cottage and garden 0a 1r 2p
87 Thomas Strickland Thomas Strickland Cottage and garden 0a 0r 22p

Tithe Map 1839

By 1839 the original plot outlined in blue, had been split into three. The yellow land is the Chapel sold by Thomas Strickland in 1834 for £30. The plot between the yellow and blue has the four cottages, later reduced to two and then a single dwelling No 7 Cheyney Street today and the blue plot is No 11 Cheyney Street Homedale.

Thomas Strickland the owner was born in Steeple in 1796, although by 1835 he was resident at Potton and was a brewer and farmer. Confusingly, the tenant of parcel 87 with the same name was a different Thomas Strickland. They were , however, distant relations, with the exact relationship yet to be ascertained.

Construction and History

Whilst the original plot of land has all the indications of an ancient dwelling site, the house standing today is clearly not “ancient”, so may be considered a “modern” replacement. From appearance and documentary clues it is likely it was built for Thomas Strickland, not long after he acquired the land in 1832. A date of 1835 appears a good fit and in a Surveyors’ Day Book kept by Rowley Son & Royce of Royston there are detailed entries prepared on 30 April 1835 pricing carpentry work undertaken by Abraham Pearmain for Thomas Strickland.  There is reference to use of old roof joists, suggesting this was a replacement dwelling and the walls are said to be clay bat, which was a typical building material at that time. The new dwelling incorporated a shop and appears to have had two chimneys and two staircases. A warehouse and barn were built at the same time.

Initially, the property was home to tenant Thomas Strickland and housed a grocer’s shop from 1835 to 1842, when he moved to Hay Street. The new tenant was William Edwards, who was born in Ashwell and a tailor by trade. Sometime in the 1850s he returned to Ashwell and James Potton moved in and opened a beerhouse, known as The Plough.

Description of The Plough in 1876

The beerhouse was included in the 1876 auction sale of Thomas Strickland's estate in Steeple Morden. The vendors were Thomas's executors.

James Potton was succeeded by George Lindsay, who was publican only briefly and when he left in 1882 the property became a private house and subsequent tenants are shown below.

In 1915 Homedale witnessed the tragic demise of John Jarman and that sad tale is told here Death of John Jarman

Listed Building

Listing details: Grade II since 18 November 1983

House. Early to mid C19. Possibly clay bat with roughcast render. Slated hipped roof. Two gault brick stacks. Plastered brick plinth. Asymmetric facade of two storeys. Four-panelled door with rectangular fanlight and C20 gabled canopy. Two flanking ground floor flush-framed sixteen-paned hung sash windows and three similar smaller, first floor windows. Included for group value.

Owners of 11 Cheyney Street, Homedale

This list is as complete as current information allows. The owners prior to 1902, also owned the four tenements to the west of Homedale. Homedale, itself, last changed ownership on 31 May 2022.


Dates Owners Notes
1773 William Huckell & Elizabeth Huckell baker
? Henry Dodkin yeoman
? William Betts Thurley & Elizabeth Thurley
1832-1872 Thomas Strickland brewer of Potton, died 1872
1872-1876 Thomas Strickland, Exors of
1877-1892 Alfred Richardson brewer of Biggleswade and Potton
1893 Walter Pepper
1894-1902 Edward Worboys
1902-1915 John Jarman
1915-1917 Naomi Jarman widow of John
1918-1920 ?
1920-1923 John Thomas Solomon & Ellen Eliza Solomon
1924 ?
1925 John Sheldrick
1926-1928 ?
1929-1933 Sidney Kirby & Bertha Kirby
1933-1938 ?
1939-1955 James T Turnham & Violet Turnham
1955-1956 Frederick W Wilkinson, Gwendoline M Wilkinson & Frances M Purssell
1957-1961 Gwendoline M Wilkinson & Frank D Ridge
1964-1966 William J Fenton & Edith A Fenton
1967-1975 David Forrester & Anthonia M C Forrester
1976-1980 Stephen Townson, Denise M Townson & Constance W Lenton
1981-1983 Denise M Townson & Constance W Lenton
1984-1996 Clive B Bower & Cornelia J Bower
1997 Vacant?
1998-1999 Mark Arnold & Sally A E Arnold
2000-2001 ?
2002-2003 Murray J Lohoar & Jane Elizabeth Wilson
2003-2022 Jane Elizabeth Wilson
2022-Today Thomas O Cassidy Gray & Lauragh Alexandra Flood


Occupiers of 11 Cheyney Street, Homedale

Since 1902 it is believed this property has been owner-occupied.


Dates Occupier Notes
1839 Thomas Strickland
1841 Thomas Strickland grocer
1851 William Edwards tailor
1861-1880 James Potton publican
1881 George Lindsay publican & ag lab
1882 Charles Waller
1883 George Davis
1884-1889 John Gray
1890-1893 Walter Pepper
1894-1895 Vacant?
1896-1898 George Duke
1899 Exors of George Duke
1900-1901 Harriet Duke
1901-1902 Exors of Duke


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Last Updated on April 8, 2024