41 Station Road, Cosy Cottage

At the 1933 auction of Church Farm, an area of land fronting Station Road was part of a field included in Lot 8. More details about the sale and the origins of this land may be found on the Church Farm page. Shortly after the sale the Parrish family sold three plots for building and Nos 37 & 39 were built on the first plot, No 41 on the second and No 43 on the slightly larger third plot. Later 39a would be built in the garden of No 41 and 41a in the garden of 43.

The original plot of No 41 was sold by Ernest George Chandler and Anna Mary Chandler to Cecil Edwin Webb and Ida Blanche Webb  on 21 February 1934.

On 8 March 1972, Victor Webb, son and heir of Cecil and Ida sold part of the garden for development, which became 39a Station Road, and sold the main plot with bungalow to Maurice George Jarman. Subsequently bought by William Thomas Charles Rolfe and Joyce Elizabeth Rolfe and now owned by their three sons.


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Last Updated on September 17, 2021