The New Housen, Station Road
These stood where Westbrook Close is today. Originally a terrace of five cottages, they later became three, after four were combined to make two, leaving only one with the same layout as when it was built. Known as the New Housen, one wonders if in written form that should be New Hous’n
At the time of Enclosure in 1807-17, Thomas Pain was allotted two contiguous plots in Church Field adjoining Odsey Way (Station Road), in lieu of freehold open field lands and rights of common. Both plots were arable and the total area was 13a 2r 22p. One plot was 9a 2r 9p and freehold and the other was 4a 0r 13 and copyhold of Steeple Morden Manor. No buildings are depicted on the land.
It remained in the ownership of the Pain family for some years and in the Tithe Apportionment of 1839 the owners are shown as Thomas Pain, James Christmas and William Miller. who were son and sons-in-law respectively of Thomas Pain, who had died in 1827.
Also in the Tithe Apportionment, another son William Pain is shown as owner of a tiny plot of only 5r, which had been detached from the north-east corner of the main land and there he had built a row of five cottages, which became known as The New Housen. In the Apportionment described as cottage and garden occupier William Day & others. The cottages would have been built around 1820-30. Over time many village families would occupy them, although as time passed the name New Housen became ironic and those living there in increasingly primitive conditions in the 1950s and 60s would probably have voted for a change of name, as well as a change of house.
In the early 1970s the New Housen and the plot of land they occupied were acquired by Wilden Properties (Hertfordshire) Ltd and after some toing and froing with the planning authority permission was granted to demolish the cottages and construct a new close, Westbrook Close and build four substantial detached houses, with generous gardens.
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Last Updated on November 5, 2022