North Brook End Farm, Jesus College

Jesus College owned a farm of about 165 acres in the north of the parish, which had two farm houses, one at Fleck’s Lane and the other at North Brook End. The estate was historically let on long leases to the Gatward family and descendants. In 1856 Lucy Wescomb was the lessee and also had a small amount of freehold land in the north of the parish. She sold her estate including the leasehold interest in 1855 and the sale particulars are reproduced below.

The College sold its freehold in the estate in 1920 and the majority was bought by the tenant F W P Hunt. The farmhouse at North Brook End continued for a while as accommodation for workers of F W P Hunt, but was eventually demolished. The site is still visible in the field on the west side of North Brook End, just before the other North Brook End farmhouse, which was part of the Wimpole Estate and is now a private residence.


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Last Updated on August 1, 2023